I’m noted for my sense of humour, which I describe as one-megaton. Most of the time, I can see the funny side of any situation. At the same time, I have a passion for mysteries; anything and everything from the supernatural to good old whodunits from the likes of Conan Doyle, Christie and Simenon.
Perhaps it was natural for me to turn my writing hand to light-heart mysteries, so-call cosy crimes, and back in 2012 I submitted the first such volume, The Filey Connection to Crooked Cat Books (now Darkstroke).
Filey introduced the world (or that part of it which reads my work) to the born-again teenagers of the Sanford 3rd Age Club, run by their triumvirate committee of Joe Murray, Sheila Riley and Brenda Jump.
Joe runs a truckers café in the fictitious town of Sanford, West Yorkshire, and the two women work for him. They are also, coincidentally, his best friends. Out of hours, they are the quickest wits of quick-witted amateur sleuths
A decade on there are 26 volumes and a special in the Sanford 3rd Age Club Mystery series.
We follow the travels and trials of amateur sleuth Joe Murray and his two best friends, Sheila Riley and Brenda Jump. The short, irascible Joe, proprietor of The Lazy Luncheonette in Sanford, West Yorkshire, jollied along by the bubbly Brenda and Sheila, but only his friends, but also his employees, all three leading lights in the Sanford 3rd Age Club (STAC for short). And it seems that wherever they go on their outings on holidays in the company of the born-again teenagers of the 3rd Age Club, they bump into… MURDER.
About a month ago, Darkstroke announced that come September, they will be closing their doors permanently, as a result of which, the publishing rights to the Sanford 3rd Age Club Mysteries will revert to me. That process began a few days ago, and I am now in the process of republishing them. It’ll take some time, so for now, you’ll find two links to the series below. The first link takes you to the news series set up. The second takes you to the remainder of the series under the Darkstroke banner.
As with all my works, the Sanford 3rd Age Club Mysteries are exclusive to Amazon, available for the Kindle and in paperback and subscribers to Amazon Kindle Unlimited can read them #free.